
Cream Tea 19th June

Cream Tea 19th JuneCream Tea 19th June

We were very pleased to be able to have our second Cream Tea of the year outside!

A glorious sunny day enabled everyone who came along to be seated outside.

As you can see a good time was had by all and lots of delicious scones eaten over the course of the afternoon.

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Dementia Coffee Morning

Dementia Coffee MorningDementia Coffee Morning

We enjoyed our very first Dementia Coffee Morning on Saturday 1st June at 11am.

As you can see we had a packed lounge and raised £360.

One of our Trustees, Denise Ashton, arranged everything and our thanks to her and her team including Chris Mansell, staff members Karen and Josie and those who made cakes and sausage rolls.

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Art Club with Margaret

Art Club with MargaretArt Club with Margaret

We were blessed with a beautiful afternoon for Margaret to hold her Art Class outside.

Many of our residents enjoyed the afternoon painting.

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First Cream Tea of the year

First Cream Tea of the yearFirst Cream Tea of the year

We held out first Cream Tea of the year on Wednesday 15th May but had to have it in our dining room due to the wet weather.

This did not stop around 28 folk enjoy the delicious scones with all the strawberries and cream they could manage.

Well done to the Quebec Hall Team comprising Johanne, Karen, Margaret and Lynda.

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Afternoon of Music

Afternoon of MusicAfternoon of Music

Our residents and some of our bungalow residents join in for a sing song every other Monday afternoon with Maureen Hale, one of our bungalow folk. As you can see our staff join in too!

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Supper Club Meal

Supper Club MealSupper Club Meal

Our second “Johannes Supper Club” meal was held on Friday the 12th April at 5pm.

27 guests enjoyed an Italian themed menu. The food was delicious, where all enjoyed the friendship and atmosphere of the evening.

Our thanks to Johanne; Carol, Tracy, Karen, David and Mark who made the evening so special.

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Foal born on Easter morning

Foal born on Easter morningFoal born on Easter morning

Many on the Quebec Hall site were thrilled to see a new arrival on Easter morning, a foal just a few hours old as you can see from the photo.

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Quiz Night with fish & chips

Quiz Night with fish & chipsQuiz Night with fish & chips

What an amazingly competitive group of teams we had on the evening of Friday, 22nd March.

5 Teams battled for the prestigious accolade of first place and it was “Thorn among the roses” who achieved it.

Well done! Our thanks to Graham Lewis, our quiz master and Malcolm Dodds our score master.

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Supper Club Meal Photo

Supper Club Meal Photo Supper Club Meal Photo

We enjoyed our very first event of the year with food, Johannes Supper Club Meal!

This was held on Wednesday 21st February at 5pm. There was a Caribbean flavour to the menu and many enjoyed, for the first time, this style of culinary food. A great evening of fellowship and friendship too. Our thanks to Johanne, Karen and Carol.

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Christmas 2023

Christmas Day!Christmas 2023

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Christmas Decorations 2023

Christmas Decorations 2023Christmas Decorations 2023

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One of the desserts served for lunch today

One of the desserts served for lunch todayOne of the desserts served for lunch today

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Homemade appetising food from Quebec Hall

Homemade appetising food from Quebec HallHomemade appetising food from Quebec Hall

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Quiz Night with fish & chips

Quiz Night with fish & chipsQuiz Night with fish & chips

Our second Quiz Night with fish and chips was held on Friday 6th October at 5pm so that some of our residents who wanted to join in could have dinner at their usual time.

We had four teams battle it out and the winning team – “ The African Connection” came first.

Well done to all who took part. The winning team and the team that came last had prizes given to them.

Our thanks to bungalow residents Graham and Malcolm for enabling the quiz.

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Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Care

Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer CareCoffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Care

We enjoyed a great time of fellowship in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care.

Some 36 folk enjoyed a coffee with some amazingly delicious cakes! You can see from the photo how many amazing cakes there were. £307.45 was raised including Gift Aid. A big thank you to staff members Margaret, Karen, Grace and Elsa and all those who made the cakes for us.

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Kathleen Bidwell 106th birthday

Kathleen Bidwell 106th birthdayKathleen Bidwell 106th birthday

Modest Kathleen Bidwell has one thing she can justifiably be proud of – she is the oldest person ever to reside at Quebec Hall in its 63-year history.

And it is a title no-one looks likely to take from her, as she celebrated a remarkable 106th birthday on September 8th.

World War One was still raging across Europe when the Bidewell family, from Norwich, welcomed their baby daughter into the world – just one day after Victoria Cross hero and renowned philanthropist Leonard Cheshire made his own debut.

Joining staff members in wishing Kathleen well were her niece and nephew, who brought a celebration cake with them.

Among the many cards and goodwill messages was one from King Charles and Queen Camilla. Last year’s royal greetings were from Queen Elizabeth II.

Kathleen, brought up in Cambridge and Onley Street area of Norwich, summed up her long life in one sentence: “God has been so good to me.”

Her life has been hallmarked by a firm Christian faith, to which she has held unwaveringly since childhood.

She lived in Norwich all her life – apart from four years of nursing service in London and Watton – until she moved to Quebec Hall 10 years ago. “I am looked after so well here – I have got nothing to complain about,” she said.

Before and after the war she was employed as a clerk with the Norwich Corporation Electricity Department. After her mother’s death in 1969, she kept house for her father for 13 years.

Throughout her long life, Kathleen has been known as an avid writer, both of letters and poetry.  She has even had two anthologies of poems published during her time at Quebec Hall, some reflecting on experiences from her long life – and others focussing on her faith and beliefs.

One was so popular it sold out and had to be reprinted, helping to bring in funds which enabled the installation of our new lift in 2017.

ALF 535
(By Kathleen Bidewell)

"Now you’ve all heard of Austin called Alfie With crash gearbox and starter that won’t, Whose driver (that’s me) sounds half crazy And does things that good drivers don’t. Well, you may be surprised when I tell you, That me and that old-fashioned car Set out, during holiday season, For a place they call Leamington Spa. We had filled up with oil, air and water – Oh, aye, and some petrol, cheap grade; We were armed with a jack, pump and wheel-brace And an AA badge boldly displayed. Me brother had said, “Don’t flog engine!” So we steadily jogged on our way And we sang, as we went, me and Alfie, Though it didn’t look much of a day. At Thetford, Newmarket and Cambridge We stopped to send postcards to mum Giving times of respective arrivals And let her know how far we’d come. We passed arrows and lines and huge warnings That we’d never encountered before, But if my poor old heart beat more quickly, Alfie battled on, looking for more. I’ll admit I felt sort of nervous When I read, “Great North Road lies ahead.” But Alf, never faltering, showed me There was really no cause for my dread. I had lunch with relations at Bedford, So that Alf could have bit of a rest. Then, well fed and cheered and encouraged We set off again with new zest. The road, now, was quite unfamiliar And the journey seemed unduly long; But we studied the map, boards and signposts And we didn’t go very far wrong. So we got there, unscratched and undented To the place they call Leamington Spa, Where friends gave us such a warm welcome – Me and that brave little car. (Alf was a 1932 Austin 10)."

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Mr. Reginald Lewis 100th birthday

Mr. Reginald Lewis 100th birthdayMr. Reginald Lewis 100th birthday

Mr. Reginald Lewis was 100 years old on 28th August 2023 and celebrated the day with family and a visit from Dereham Town Mayor. He also received a card from King Charles which you can see on show in the Hall.

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We held our BAR B Q on Saturday 29th July at 5pm. We had to set up inside and outside due to the weather but we were blessed in being able to sit outside! Around 35 attended, a mixture of our residents; bungalow residents and visitors from Florida and Australia! The food was delicious and cooked by John Kelly and Johanne Fletcher ably assisted by Karen and Grace. Thank you to all who came and for those who made it possible.

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Hog Roast

Hog RoastHog Roast

We held our Hog Roast on Saturday 17th June at 5pm.

A dry and warm evening which was nearly spoilt by the weather as it was raining just a couple of hours earlier!

Everyone who attended, of which some 40+ did, would not have been able to fit in the dining room if it had continued to rain.

The weather dried out extremely quickly and we enjoyed wonderful food provided by Johanne, John and Karen, helped by Mark and Grace.

Our thanks to them for all the hard work they put into the evening.

Our thanks also for the Village Green Ukulele Society who played two sets of 40 minutes of easy listening songs.

It was a very pleasurable evening of friendship and food being entertained by a live amateur band.

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First Cream Tea of the year

First Cream Tea of the yearFirst Cream Tea of the year

We had our first Cream Tea of the year on Wednesday 17th May at 3pm.

Although we were blessed with some dry weather it was a little on the cold side and many enjoyed the afternoon together in the dining room.

A big thank you to our staff who once more went that extra mile to ensure a great time was had by all.

Scones courtesy of Margaret, Karen, Mark and John.

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King Charles Coronation 6th May 2023

King Charles Coronation 6th May 2023King Charles Coronation 6th May 2023

Our residents, some visitors and staff, came together to watch King Charles Coronation on Saturday morning 6th May in the downstairs lounge.

We all very much enjoyed the lavish spectacle during the morning and in the afternoon, our residents celebrated further with a High Tea in the afternoon.

Thank you to all the staff who worked so hard to make the day enjoyable for all of our residents.

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Johannes Supper Club Meal

Johannes Supper Club MealJohannes Supper Club Meal

Our second Supper Club Meal, superbly put together by Johanne, was held on Friday 28th April.

Another delicious meal and the evening was again very well attended. Food was delicious.

Our thanks to Johanne, Karen and Carol.

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This was made by one of our staff Margaret Seekings.

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Happy Easter from Quebec Hall

Quiz Night with fish & chipsHappy Easter from Quebec Hall

This was made by one of our staff Margaret Seekings.

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Quiz Night with fish & chips

Quiz Night with fish & chipsQuiz Night with fish & chips

Our first quiz night of the year was held on Friday March 24th at 5pm and was well attended.

Our fish & chips were cooked on sight with a fish & chip van outside the Hall. The winning team were – Godfrey’s Team, as you can see from the photos all who attended had a great evening.

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Quest 23

Quest 23Quest 23

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First event of the year

First event of the yearKitchen staff

We enjoyed our first event of the year, an evening meal under the banner of Johannes Supper Club Meals, Johanne being our supervisor in the kitchen.

The Supper Club was attended by eighteen folk with a mixture of our Hall residents and our Bungalow residents. It was a great time of sharing over a meal and was enjoyed by all.

The food was a great success and all who were there said they are looking forward to the next one.

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Lynne retires and David takes over the baton

Lynne retires and David takes over the batonDavid and Lynne

After 32 year’s service at Quebec Hall, Lynne Kelly retires from her role as Deputy Care Manager. Lynne started at Quebec Hall on 2/8/90 as a part time night carer and soon became a Senior Carer on 26/10/02. Lynne became our Deputy Head of Care in November 2005 and has worked tirelessly for the care of all our residents. We are very much indebted to Lynne for what she has done for all of us over so many years. We are so blessed because although Lynne is retiring from her role, she is taking up a part time Supervisor role from 1/1/23 for one year. Our heartfelt thanks go to Lynne.

We are very pleased to welcome David Woodgett to the role of Deputy Head of Care from 1/1/23. David started at Quebec Hall on 1/10/22 and has been training with Lynne and the staff team during this time. David has achieved a Level 5 in Leadership and Management for Adult Care which took him two years. He was awarded this on 7/9/22. David has had previous experience in three other care homes. Working with adults with learning difficulties; a Care Home with all adults living with dementia, and two post’s as a Supervisor and a short time as a Deputy. David lives in Norwich with his wife Eloise. 

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Christmas Day 2022

Christmas Day 2022Christmas Day 2022

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Sunrise 18th December 2022

Sunrise 18th December 2022Sunrise 18th December 2022

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Fireworks with Soup & Hotdogs

Fireworks with Soup & HotdogsFireworks with Soup & Hotdogs

A smaller number than previous years, folk enjoyed our evening starting with some lovely home-made soup.

Our General Manager Mark and his wife Clare set off numerous fireworks and at an interval in between setting off the fireworks, everybody enjoyed some more soup and tasty hot dogs.

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Fireworks with Soup & Hotdogs

Fireworks with Soup & HotdogsFireworks with Soup & Hotdogs

A smaller number than previous years, folk enjoyed our evening starting with some lovely home-made soup.

Our General Manager Mark and his wife Clare set off numerous fireworks and at an interval in between setting off the fireworks, everybody enjoyed some more soup and tasty hot dogs.

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Christmas Wreath Festival

Christmas Wreath FestivalChristmas Wreath Festival

Quebec is pleased to enter the fourth Christmas Wreath Festival at Dereham Baptist Church which runs from Thursday 15th December for three days.

We are very thankful to one of our bungalow residents, Maureen Hale for helping to organise the making of the wreath. In our photo are some who helped, Valerie Cozens; Linda Warren, Maureen Hale, Hope (Princes Trust) and Peggy Hebden.

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Quiz Night with fish & chips

Quiz Night with fish & chipsQuiz Night with fish & chips

We enjoyed a great evening with five teams competing to be the winners.

We are very thankful to David Oldfield for being our quiz master and who is bowing out now as they live so far away.

David has been Quiz Master twenty-five times over many years and we are very thankful to him, his wife Wendy, daughter Jenny and friends Sue and Dick.

The winning team was “Tailenders” and as you can see from the photo, they were pleased to win.

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Kay's 105th birthday

Kay, celebrated her 105th birthdayKay, celebrated her 105th birthday

Miss Bidewell, known as Kay, celebrated her 105th birthday on 8th September 2022.

What a remarkable achievement! Kay did not want much fuss but as you can see from the photo, the staff could not resist making a fuss of her.

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Special Army Parade

Special Army ParadeSpecial Army Parade

A short note to thank all the staff at Quebec Hall for ensuring Reginald was able to attend the special army parade today.

It was above all expectations, with an officer allocated to escort us for the event, a front viewing area of the troops, and attendance at the civic reception afterwards.

He had a really memorable time and the army went out of their way to ensure he was treated as a very special 'Old Soldier'.

He even met the Regimental 'mascot'... a Welsh pony called Corporal Jones.

He was introduced to General The Lord Dannat and spent several minutes with him in conversation about his WW2 days.

Overall, a great day. Graham Lewis.

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Jubilee Hoag Roast

Jubilee Hoag RoastJubilee Hoag Roast

Our second day of celebrations was just as good as our first!

A very happy occasion where again we were truly blessed with the weather to be able to have our Hog Roast outside with around 40 folks.

Some truly mouth-watering food prepared and cooked by our top chef John Kelly, ably supported by Johanne Fletcher and staff helping residents were Lynne, Mandy, Julie and Danielle.

Everyone enjoyed the atmosphere and spent time just being together to honour our Queen’s 70th year. .

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Jubilee Cream Teas

Jubilee Cream TeasJubilee Cream Teas

We were very blessed with the weather as we celebrated the Jubilee of our Queens 70th year.

Nearly 60 folk enjoyed some amazing scones and apple volluvants on an afternoon which saw many enjoy group gatherings for the first time since the pandemic.

As you can see from the photos it was a very special time of sharing together.

We also had special appearances from the miniature donkeys! They spent the afternoon walking around with the residents after they had finished their cream tea.

Our thanks to John Kelly and staff who made it great on the day.

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Quiz night with fish & chips

Quiz night with fish & chipsQuiz night with fish & chips

We were able to enjoy one of our favourite past times on Friday 6th May with our very first Quiz night with fish and chips, the first for nearly three years due to the pandemic.

Four teams battled it out with teams of five or six and the winning team was “Topside” Well done to them and you can see by the photo that “Topside” describes them well! The wining team and team that came last both won prizes.

Our thanks to all who took part and our quiz master David Oldfield.

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Soldiers came to Quebec Hall

Soldiers came to Quebec HallSoldiers came to Quebec Hall

We were very blessed to have Three soldiers and an Officer from 1st Queens Dragoon Guards, based in Swanton Morley, to visit Quebec Hall on May 4th.

This was to see Reginald Lewis who served in the second World War and who will soon be celebrating his 99th birthday. Reginald was very pleased to be able to spend time with them and tell them of his service in the Army. Martin Boyce, Chairman of the trustees was in attendance and the Hall staff arranged catering for the visitors. Reginald was presented with a ‘Regimental Brevet’ as a memento of this visit.

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A new foal was born

A new foal was bornA new foal was born

We had a lovely surprise in that a foal was born on the meadow field adjacent to the Quebec Hall bungalows on Wednesday morning, 13th April.

Our thanks to Graham Lewis who supplied the photo for us. We believe it is called Maggie from our bungalow residents as Maggie saw it first.

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New bin area and new paths

New bin area and new pathsNew bin area and new paths

We have repositioned our bins to a new purpose-built area which was slabbed and screened as you can see in the photo.

We have also made wider three areas of our paths adjacent to some of our bungalows, again as you can see in the picture. Our thanks to Steve Wilcox who carried out the work for us.

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Visiting the Ponies

Visiting the PoniesVisiting the Ponies

One of our residents, Reginald Lewis, was taken by his son who lives in one of Quebec Hall’s bungalows onsite, to visit the horses that live on the meadow fields adjacent to Quebec Hall.

This one is the stallion, there are also four mares and four foals were born in the meadow field last year. Thank you Graham for taking this picture.

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Christmas 2021

Christmas 2021Christmas 2021

We celebrated Christmas morning with many of our residents in the lounge with a coffee and mince pie ready to open some presents.

Mark Woodgett, our general manager, set the scene of the real meaning of why we celebrate Christmas with some bible readings; a short devotional and prayer before giving out all the presents to those gathered in the lounge. The atmosphere was lovely. Mark then took presents to those unable to come to the lounge and a member of staff helped them to open their presents.

You can see by the photos it was a lovely morning.

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Open Day 2021

Open Day 2021Open Day 2021

Our Open Day was able to go ahead as planned on Saturday 18th September 2021 at 3pm. We estimate that around 140 folk attended. It was a real blessing to see so many as we celebrated the belated Open Day 60th year that should have been last year. There was a real sense of celebration, as for many folk it was their first time of engaging with other folk at an event and for some their first time out! We celebrated in style with a different hexagonal marquee for all able to be seated in it and the mandatory food tent. We gave Glory to God for all He has provided; past,  present and future.

We are very thankful to staff members Mandy Burridge and Dawn Whiting, along with residents Margaret Jackson and Val Herbert for putting together a wonderful programme of songs which they sung for us to start and end our Open Day main event in the marquee. Our Chairman of Trustees welcomed us all and set the scene for all that was going to happen. Trustee Andrew Bash prayed; General Manager Mark Woodgett and Registered Care Manager Karen Vertigan brought reports of all that had been achieved over the past two and a half years and Richard Pennington shared God’s Word.

We are very thankful to  staff member Margaret Seekings for all the wonderful flower arrangements for Open Day; John and Lynne Kelly, Kath Crammer and Johanne Fletcher for the amazing and delicious food spread on offer, staff members Jayne and Grace Olley who maned the refreshments in the summer house and kept the tea flowing to all, Johanne Fletcher who painted a mural on a wall at the back of the hall, a twilight scene with the words “Be still and know that I am God”. The front drive and the communal gardens looked spectacular and all credit to bungalow resident Soli clay and her team for accomplishing a splendid array of colour. Four of our bungalow residents helped with the difficult task of parking all the cars and our thanks goes to them. Two of our bungalows were open to view and our thanks to Maureen Hale and Rita Dye for allowing this to happen. We also had visitors touring the Hall.

A splendid day which we all feel was a credit to all who planned the day and we look forward to our next one!

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Ponies back at Quebec Hall

Ponies back at Quebec HallPonies back at Quebec Hall

We are so blessed to have some ponies back on the meadow field here at Quebec Hall. They were put in the field on Friday 9th April and on Monday 12th April, you can see the number has doubled! There are now 5 ponies and 5 foals! You can’t see them all in the photos as they will not all stand together.

It was a very cold weekend with temperatures plummeting down to -2 and freezing most of the morning of the 12th April.

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Father Christmas and our Christmas Tree

Father Christmas and our Christmas TreeFather Christmas and our Christmas Tree

As you can see from our photo, even our welcomer at the door had to wear a face mask! And thanks to our staff member Margaret Seeking’s for putting up all our Christmas decorations again this year.

As you can see from the tree in the main stair well, she did a fantastic job. All the doves were hand made.

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Quebec Hall Carol Service

Quebec Hall Carol ServiceQuebec Hall Carol Service

We held our Carol Service for Residents and Staff only on Friday afternoon at 3pm om 11th December.

We were very blessed to have Martin Boyce, our chairman of the Trustees to take the Service for us. Staff were involved with readings and introducing Carol’s and prayer. We were especially blessed with two of our staff reading scripture in their native tongue of Filipino and Portuguese as well as English. As always we had hot sausage rolls and mince pies after.

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Staff in full PPE

Staff in full PPEStaff in full PPE

During October we tested out our supply of PPE that would be required for any resident who tested positive for Covid 19.

During this time those that were looking after residents with Covid 19 would have to dress in full PPE as per the photo.

In the photo are Karen and Lynne, head of care and deputy head of care.

A full set of this PPE is required every time a resident who tests positive for Covid 19 requires any personal care or feeding etc.

That means just for one resident we can go through a minimum of 7 sets of this PPE just in one day.

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12 new front windows

12 new front windows12 new front windows

We are pleased to have 12 new windows at the front of the Hall. As you can see, from left to right, Lee Perkins, his father Shaun and Richard Bell have been on the job from lock down earlier in the year and have now nearly finished all the painting.

Peter Bloomfield was also helping but unfortunately not in the picture.

It has taken seven months on and off due to weather and waiting for windows to arrive on site for the work to be completed.

We are also grateful to Fox Joinery who made the windows for us.

It has been a lot of inconvenience for our residents who have rooms with windows that were replaced but worth it as you can see now.

Our thanks to all involved.

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New windows finished so far

New windows finished so farNew windows finished so far

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Lynne Kelly

Lynne KellyLynne Kelly

We are privileged to announce that our Deputy Care Manager, Lynne Kelly, has just achieved a milestone here at Quebec Hall. She is the first ever member of staff to achieve 30 years service at Quebec Hall.

We celebrated the day with Lynne with flowers, bunting, a cake and presented Lynne with gift vouchers.

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Repairs to Hall 2020

Repairs to Hall 2020Repairs to Hall 2020

Staff member Grace Olley celebrated VE day in her uniform as an Air Cadet, at home with many others up and down the country.

We also celebrated the day and at lunch time in the dining room, we sang We’ll Meet Again!

Residents enjoyed the day with watching what was on the television, lunch in the dining room and tea consisting of scones and cake! A memorable day!

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Residents celebrating VE

Grace Olley celebrating VEGrace Olley celebrating VE

Staff member Grace Olley celebrated VE day in her uniform as an Air Cadet, at home with many others up and down the country.

We also celebrated the day and at lunch time in the dining room, we sang We’ll Meet Again!

Residents enjoyed the day with watching what was on the television, lunch in the dining room and tea consisting of scones and cake! A memorable day!

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Gift from Norwich City

Gift from Norwich CityGift from Norwich City

We were very blessed to have received a Delia Smith Carrot Cake, some bottles of water and a signed football shirt thanking us for what we are doing from Norwich city football club.

We thank them for their very kind gift.

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Covid 19 news

Covid 19 newsCovid 19 news

So, what do we say about this! Quebec Hall went into lock down from 20/3/20 which meant no family visiting or visitors at all except health care workers.

One of our staff received a letter from the gov. telling her she had to stay at home and as you can imagine it was a very difficult time for all residents and staff.

In total we had 3 staff who had to self-isolate.

We were very blessed by those of our bungalow residents who stood out on a Thursday Evenings at 8pm to join in with the national applause for those key workers.

We thank you all for doing this each week!

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News Update

News UpdateNews Update

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Saturday Lunch

Saturday LunchSaturday Lunch

Thank you to all who took part in our Annual Art & Craft Exhibition with cheese tasting.

Many amazing pieces of art work were exhibited and we thank all who did entries for the Exhibition.

Special thanks to Philip Parfitt and his team for organising for us and for John Kelly for putting on a truly mouth-watering array of cheese and biscuits with condiments.

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Art & Craft Exhibition with cheese tasting

Art & Craft Exhibition with cheese tastingArt & Craft Exhibition with cheese tasting

Thank you to all who took part in our Annual Art & Craft Exhibition with cheese tasting.

Many amazing pieces of art work were exhibited and we thank all who did entries for the Exhibition.

Special thanks to Philip Parfitt and his team for organising for us and for John Kelly for putting on a truly mouth-watering array of cheese and biscuits with condiments.

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Chef’s Choice Food Night

Chef’s Choice Food NightChef’s Choice Food Night

What a fabulous time we all had on our Chef’s Choice Food Night.

30 guests sampled the delicious 6 course menu starting at 5pm so as to coincide with when most folks would normally have their dinner.

We are enormously grateful to our Chef’s Jayne Olley and John Kelly.

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William Cowper Cub Pack

William Cowper Cub PackWilliam Cowper Cub Pack

We were so blessed to have the William Cowper Cub Pack with us again this year.

As you can see they really got into character and enjoyed singing to us many Carols and a drama of “Getting into the picture”.

An alternative Nativity with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus and many others wanting to get in on the picture!

We shared refreshments and mince pies and sweets for the children afterwards.

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Salvation Army Singers

Salvation Army SingersSalvation Army Singers

We were once again delighted to have the Salvation Army Cameo Singers and Major Diana Bennets, on the afternoon of Monday 2nd December.

Many well-known Carols and a sermon from Major Bennets was followed by refreshments including mince pies. 

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St.Withburga Ringers

St.Withburga RingersSt.Withburga Ringers

We were treated to the wonderful bell ringing again on Monday afternoon and as you can see from the photo, a lot of concentration goes into playing and ensuring all play in harmony.

Thank you to the St.Withburga Bell Ringers.

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Fireworks with soup & hot dogs

Fireworks with soup & hot dogsFireworks with soup & hot dogs

We were once again outside watching the fireworks due to a dry evening and hardly any wind! 60+ folk from young and old watched a display in two halves put on by Mark, our general manager and helped by Clare his wife.

Chef John Kelly provided some lovely soup and hot dogs during the interval.

As you can see by the photos some wonderful displays and boy, that’s a lot of fireworks!

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Craft Fair Saturday

Craft Fair SaturdayCraft Fair Saturday

A very big thank you to all those who helped to make the Craft Fair the success that it was.

As you can see from the photos, there were some amazing gifts on offer.

These pictures were only a sample of everything that there was.

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Quiz night on Friday

We enjoyed a great evening with our Quiz night on Friday 18th October.

We had some delicious fish & chips to start followed by eight rounds of closely fought quiz rounds.

There were five teams and it was all very close with only one point between the winning team and the team that came second.

The winning team was the “Gee Jays” A team with a mixture of our residents and bungalow residents all with a Christian name or Surname beginning with G or J! There were prizes for the “Gee Jays” and for the team that came last – “Top Specs” Our thanks to David Oldfield and his team who come in to do the quiz for us.

Mark apologises for not remembering to take a photo of the winning team!

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Sarah’s Company

Sarah’s CompanySarah’s Company

We were once again entertained by Sarah’s Company which has grown to staff members Sarah and Mandy.

Sarah talked about her time helping put on a drama about human trafficking and Mandy did a dance, signing routine to a well-known song which she did while working with a Christian organisation called WYWAM.

We are very appreciative of what they did for us.

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Hog roast Saturday 14th September

Kathleen Bidewell, was 102 yearsHog roast Saturday 14th September

We were very blessed with the weather on Saturday 14th September for our Hog roast, a lovely sunny day which meant all of the 63 folks were able to be outside.

As you can see from the photos, everyone enjoyed the hog roast cooked and served by our two top chefs John and Jayne.

It was a great afternoon with a great atmosphere shared by all.

Our thanks to all who helped on the day including Jaynes daughter Grace.

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Kathleen Bidewell, was 102 years

Kathleen Bidewell, was 102 yearsKathleen Bidewell, was 102 years

One of our residents, Miss Kathleen Bidewell, was 102 years young on Sunday 8th September!

Kay, as she likes to be known, has lived at Quebec Hall now for over 6 years. As is custom with Kay, she received many cards and many visitors on the run up to her birthday.

Kay did not want any fuss but as you can see we ensured we celebrated her day with a lovely birthday cake made by one of our team, Mark Byrne.

Kay, as you would imagine, is our oldest resident in Quebec Hall.

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Fun Afternoon

Fun Afternoon July 2019Fun Afternoon

We enjoyed an amazing afternoon with the return of the miniature donkeys coupled with many games for the family, including the “stocks”.

You can see Mark, our manger having wet sponges thrown at him by his wife Clare! Also, one of our bungalow residents, Jacqueline Woor, being bombarded by Martin, our Chairman of our Trustees no less!

It was a great afternoon despite the light rain showers. An amazing spread of food was provided by our great team, Jayne, Jo, Kath and Shirley.

Our thanks to them all. The stars of the afternoon however were the miniature Donkeys!

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Themed Evening Meal

Themed Evening MealThemed Evening Meal

This was our 9th Themed Evening meal and this year we went to Portugal!

We were already fully booked weeks before the evening with 32 guests. We are again very thankful to our top chef John Kelly who designed the menus and prepared the food.

He was helped by Chef Jane Olly and support staff on the evening, John’s sister Kath, (former cook at Quebec Hall). Karen, Lynne and Mark helped to serve and ensure all ran smoothly.

As you can see from the photos there was a delicious array of food, please visit our website to see further photos and the menu leaflet which was prepared for us by Johanne Fletcher (staff member).

A great evening with a great atmosphere, another great success.

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Cream Tea

Cream Tea Wednesday May 2019Cream Tea Wednesday May 2019

Everyone enjoyed our very first Cream Tea of the year on Wednesday 29th May. Although it was dry, we decided to set up the dining room because the weather was a bit unsettled. As you can see from the photos, an amazing array of scones and speciality scones were on offer with endless amounts of tea.

We are very thank full to our staff members Margaret Seekings and Chef John Kelly for making and displaying the cake stands of scones with strawberries and cream already on. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon.

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New Trustee – Denise Ashton

New TrusteeNew Trustee – Denise Ashton

We are very happy to announce that Denise Ashton has joined the board of Trustees as of 15th April 2019. Denise has a wealth of experience in the Care Sector having worked as a nurse for over 40 years! Denise works some shifts at Dereham Hospital and is semi-retired.

We are so blessed to have Denise join us and pray she is truly blessed by God as she supports the work here at Quebec Hall.

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Sarah’s Company

Sarah’s CompanySarah’s Company

“Our staff member Sarah Rose, entertained us with a short drama piece about a lady who worked at Bletchley during the war. Sarah then answered questions and spoke to those in the audience about her interests in drama while refreshments were being served. We are very appreciative of what Sarah did for us, she was very brave”.

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Craft Group

Craft GroupCraft Group

On 16th April, our Craft Group that meets every Tuesday afternoon, held an Easter Bonnet making competition.

As you can see from the group photo, there were some amazing bonnets! Our general Manager Mark Woodgett was asked to judge all those that had been made for first, second and third prizes.

Gillian Cornell won first prize, Ruth Charman second prize and Marion Neal won third prize. Our thanks to Gina Eames and Marion Neal for organising and sorting our Craft afternoons.

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Chef’s Choice Food Night Wednesday 10th April

Chef’s Choice Food Night Wednesday 10th AprilChef’s Choice Food Night

We received 28 guests for our second Chef’s Choice Food Night on Wednesday 10th April.

As you can see we were treated to mouth-watering dishes; two main course and one dessert.

All cooked and presented by our top chef John Kelly. Everyone said it was a truly delicious evening!

Our thanks to all helped to make the evening a huge success.

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St. Withburga Ringers Fri. 5th April

St. Withburga Ringers Fri. 5th AprilSt. Withburga Ringers

We were entertained by the St. Withburga Ringers on the afternoon of the 5th April and many of our folk and guests enjoyed the amazing bell ringing programme.

The bell ringers are a favourite here at Quebec Hall, refreshments were served afterwards.

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Quiz Night with Fish & chips

Quiz Night with Fish & chipsQuiz Night with Fish & chips

On Friday March 22nd starting at 5.30pm, we had our first quiz with fish & chips of the year.

A staggering 48 folk were packed into our dining room! There were 8 teams of 6 people all battling to take the accolade of the winning team.

The team that won was called “The Wellspringers” and they won prizes of luxurious Easter Eggs. The team that came last also won prizes. A great time was had by all.

Mark, Karen and Lynne sat this one out as there were so many people playing!

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Art & Craft Exhibition

Art & Craft ExhibitionArt & Craft Exhibition

As you can see from the photos, there was a superb display of art work on display with many various crafts to look at too.

Our local Christian Book Shop, Green Pastures was also at the event. We were very blessed on the afternoon, nearly 50 folk spent time looking at the displays, buying some of the art and craft work and sampling some of the delicious cheeses on offer.

Our thanks to Chef John Kelly for providing and serving this for us. Did you notice those mice?

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Chef’s Choice Food Night

Chef’s Choice Food NightChef’s Choice Food Night

Many folk have said how blessed we are here with the food that is served, but nothing prepared us for the delights that were on offer at our Chef’s Choice food Night held Friday 22nd February at 5pm.

We were treated to one main course each and one dessert each from our chef’s John Kelly and Jayne Olley. As you can see from the photos they were delicious, to look at and to taste! All 22 folk who came along enjoyed eating both main courses and both desserts. We had coffee and chocolates to finish.

Thankyou you John and Jayne and to all who helped make the evening a great success. Our next one is on April 12th!

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Diploma Level 3

Diploma Level 3Diploma Level 3

One of our staff, Miss Rebecca Woods, has just achieved her Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care as a Lead Adult Care Worker. Rebecca, our youngest Supervisor, has achieved this over a period of nearly 18 months with many hours spent in completing a work book, observations and two exams with The College of West Anglia. She passed part of the Diploma with distinction! All credit to Rebecca for what she has achieved.

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Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s DayValentine’s Day

As you can see from the photo, we had a lovely display just for Valentine’s Day which was done by one of our staff Margaret Seekings.

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Christmas Day Lunch

Christmas Day LunchChristmas Day Lunch

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Dressed trees for Christmas

Dressed trees for ChristmasDressed trees for Christmas

Our thanks to staff member Margaret Seekings for doing them for us

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St. Withburga Ringers

St. Withburga RingersSt. Withburga Ringers

What an amazing afternoon we had on Friday 3rd December 2018 listening to the St.Withburga Ringers playing a selection of Christmas Carols that everyone knew.

It was a delight to hear Carols played with the hand bells. Refreshments were provided at the end of the recital.

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Salvation Army Singers

Salvation Army SingersSalvation Army Singers

Our warmest heartfelt thanks to the Salvation Army Cameo Singers who came in to sing for us on Thursday 6th December. Everyone enjoyed joining in with them as they sang and played symbols and tambourines. Refreshments along with mince pies were served afterwards.

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Fire Works Friday 2nd November

Fire Works Friday 2nd November

We were so blessed to have a dry, non-windy evening for our Fireworks evening. We think nearly 70 folk came along to see an amazing display in two halves. We had soup to start and then more soup and hotdogs during the interval. It was so good to see old and young alike enjoying such a wonderful evening. Our resident Kath Jap celebrated her birthday as you can see aged 96 and the youngest person there was only 7 months.

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Quiz Night

Quiz Night with fish & chips Friday 19th October

What an amazing time we had on our Quiz night, the second of the year. Much fun and laughter as well as concentration, and that was just eating the fish and chips!! As you can see the winning team – “Ruthless”, celebrated with some lovely chocolates. There was only six points between the team that came first and the team that came last.

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Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning

Everyone enjoyed a wonderful morning with coffee and cake, socialising together in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care. Our thanks to all the staff who made the very tasty cakes and helped to serve all those who came. We raised in total £265.95 with gift aid.

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Hog Roast & visit of miniature donkeys

Hog Roast & visit of miniature donkeysHog Roast & visit of miniature donkeys

Many residents; family, and staff enjoyed our Hog Roast on Saturday 15th September. The afternoon was made more special by a visit of two miniature donkeys. Nearly sixty folk enjoyed a fabulous hog roast with all the trimmings and some amazing cakes plus strawberries and cream! Our thanks to Chef Jayne Olley and help from Kath Crammer who did us proud. We were all enamoured with the two miniature donkeys from the miniature donkeys for wellbeing, brought up specially to interact with the elderly and those living with dementia. Our thanks to Sarah and her team of volunteers for bringing them. A truly wonderful afternoon enjoyed by all. As with all our events, please see more photos in the News and Gallery section of our website!

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Kay Bidewell 101st birthday

Miss Kay Bidewell 101st birthdayMiss Kay Bidewell 101st birthday

Kay celebrated her 101st birthday with as little fuss as possible, which she preferred. As you can see we adhered to her wishes but we did make her a lovely birthday cake and give her a bag full of presents. Kay received over 100 birthday cards!

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Cream Tea Wednesday August 2018

Cream TeaCream Tea

Our second Cream Tea of the year was again a great success. Many enjoyed the delicious scones and this time, due to the lovely weather, had to sit under the trees for shade. Our thanks as always to those who helped make the afternoon a great time for all.

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Open Day 2018

Open Day 2018Open Day 2018

What an amazing afternoon we had on our Open Day! Around 180 folk enjoyed a wonderful time with guest speaker Rev’d.

Roger Prime; reports from Mark and Karen and arousing hymns to praise our God for His provision for all we have here at Quebec Hall.

An amazing spread of hot and cold food was put on by our chef John Kelly and helped by Jayne Olley, Kath Crammer and Lynne. Jayne also made the lovely cake.

We had vintage singer Kitty Mazinski who complemented the atmosphere of the afternoon as many folk listened to her while eating in the glorious sun shine.

Many folk toured the open bungalows and looked around the Hall and grounds. Our thanks to all the staff who helped to make Open Day a great success.

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Themed Evening Meal

Themed Evening MealThemed Evening Meal

We enjoyed the most wonderful evening at our Themed Evening Meal on Friday 22nd June where we went to India. Thirty one guests enjoyed the most mouth-watering food.

We were so blessed with all those who helped make the evening a great success. John, our chef, excelled in bringing together some mouth-watering food and was helped by, Jo, Kath and Nick. Mark, Karen and Lynne served the food and as you can see looked fabulous with their authentic Indian attire.

The evening would not have been what it was without Bollywood superstar Tina Vallance. Tina, a Christian who has her own company called Jaya dance, danced throughout the evening and helped to serve and clear up. This was our eighth Themed Evening Meal and we again look forward to next year. Where should we go?

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Garden Parties

Garden PartiesGarden Parties

Two garden parties have been held recently in the area around Bungalow 13, and residents have been most generous in their support of the two charities we have chosen to support. These are Admiral Nurses and Dereham Cancer care. Further garden parties are planned later this year to support Nelsons Journey Charity and also the N&N Hospital intensive care unit. These events give people the opportunity to meet up with other residents, share time together and also to enjoy some really delicious food.

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Another Foal born

Another Foal bornAnother Foal born

We have had yet another foal born on the meadow field beside Quebec Hall! Just one day old as born on 12th June.

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Cream Tea – June 1st

Cream Tea – June 1st Cream Tea – June 1st

All our residents and staff were delighted to see a foal born on 25th May 2018. It seemed like a complete surprise as no one recognised one of the four horses on the meadow field beside Quebec Hall as being pregnant.

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New Foal born

New Foal bornNew Foal born

All our residents and staff were delighted to see a foal born on 25th May 2018. It seemed like a complete surprise as no one recognised one of the four horses on the meadow field beside Quebec Hall as being pregnant.

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Royal Wedding 19st May

Royal Wedding 19st MayRoyal Wedding 19st May

What an absolutely amazing day! Many of our residents watched the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Megan Markle, now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Our thanks to Mark Byrne, our cook on the day who put on a fabulous spread of food and to our staff who helped make the occasion a delight for all.

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Indoor Bowls with fruit tasting – May 16th

Indoor Bowls with fruit tasting – May 16thIndoor Bowls with fruit tasting – May 16th

Many residents and staff enjoyed the Indoor Bowls which was held in direct response to the popularity of last year’s event. As you can see by the photos there was a competitive edge but good fun to. We thank Tesco’s for giving us the use of the bowls set and a gift voucher to buy the fruit.

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Great British Food Night – April 20th

Great British Food Night – April 20thGreat British Food Night – April 20th

We enjoyed a fantastic evening at our Great British Food Night on Friday 20th April starting at 5pm.

Guests were served four individually made main courses and four individually made desserts with coffee and chocolates to finish. As you can see by the photos it was a fantastic time of food and fun. Our thanks to John Kelly and his team who prepared the food for the evening.

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St. Withburga Ringers – April 13th

St. Withburga Ringers – April 13thSt. Withburga Ringers – April 13th

We were very pleased to have back with us the St Withburga Ringers on Friday 13th April at 2.30. One of our bungalow residents, Miss Jacqueline Woor is part of the group which entertained us with their bell ringing for about an hour.

It was a very pleasant afternoon and refreshments followed. We are very grateful to the St. Withburga Ringers for the time they spent with us.

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Art Exhibition with cheese tasting – April 6th

Art Exhibition with cheese tasting – April 6th Art Exhibition with cheese tasting – April 6th

What an amazing display of Art from many of our Hall and bungalow residents as well as some staff and one of our Trustees. We are very thankful to Philip and Christine Parfitt, daughter Annabel and staff member Margaret Seeking for once again bringing together the Art Club’s work and putting on the display.

We enjoyed the cheese tasting that accompanied the Art Exhibition and our thanks to John Kelly, our top chef for doing this for us.

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Quiz Night - 23.03.18

Quiz NightQuiz Night

Our first Quiz Night of the year was held on Friday 23rd March at our new time of 5.30pm. We were again packed with seven teams of six in the dining room!

A great time was had by all and the wining team was “The Tutlers” who received some fantastic Easter Eggs as their prizes. The team that came last also had commiseration prizes. We would like to thank David Oldfield and his wife Wendy and Sue and dick for helping to run the quiz night for us.

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New Lounge refurbishment

New Lounge refurbishmentNew Lounge refurbishment

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Three’s Company

Three’s CompanyThree’s Company

Penny and her team, aptly called “Three’s Company”, entertained us again on the afternoon of Wednesday 17th January. This was our first event of the year and they certainly got us off to a good start. Many folk enjoyed their repertoire and refreshments were served in-between the performance. They are coming back to us again on Wednesday 5th September at 2.30pm

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Carol Singing 2017

Carol Singing 2017Carol Singing 2017

A few folk joined together to sing Carols to our bungalow residents on Christmas Eve. and then in the Hall for our residents. It was a lovely time of blessing others with Carols and company. Thank you to the ten folk who were such a blessing!

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William Cowper Cub Pack

William Cowper Cub PackWilliam Cowper Cub Pack

We had a lovely evening with the William Cowper Cub Pack again this year on Monday 11th December at 7pm. The Cubs entertained us with group singing and individual acts. It was a great time of sharing in all they had prepared to do for us and we had refreshments and sweets for the Cubs afterwards.

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Salvation Cameo Singers

Salvation Cameo SingersSalvation Cameo Singers

Over forty folk attended when the Salvation Cameo Singers spent an afternoon entertaining us with a Christmas message led by Major Loose Palmer. Refreshments were served afterwards with mince pies. We are thankful to all those who attended from the Salvation Army.

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Claire Celebrating 25 yrs

Claire Celebrating 25 yrsClaire Celebrating 25 yrs

Our staff member Claire Skipper celebrated 25 years working at Quebec Hall on 2nd December 2017. Claire works as a Supervisor and is only the second member of staff so far to have worked at Quebec Hall for so long. We celebrated by giving Claire a voucher and refreshments to mark the occasion.

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Winning Team!

Winning Team!Winning Team!

On Friday 20th October Quebec Hall dining room was packed with 45 folk, divided up into 8 teams, all vying for the accolade of Winning Team! This was the most we have accommodated in the dining room at one of our quiz evenings. The winning team was “Hopefuls” who received prizes and the team that came last was “Eggheads” who also received prizes. Would you believe that our manager wife Clare was part of the Eggheads team and so again, indirectly Mark won a prize.

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A Journey of Tastes

A Journey of TastesA Journey of Tastes

Our top chef John Kelly took us on a journey of tastes through the delights of sampling seven different homemade pies on the evening of Friday 13th October. Each guest was served with a small portion of each pie with condiments to match. The photo featured is a sausage, egg and bacon pie with homemade tomato sauce. Nearly everyone managed to taste all seven! We finished with coffee and chocolates.

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QH Umbrellas

QH UmbrellasQH Umbrellas

Our own umbrellas, complete with the Quebec Hall logo, are available to anyone. A great form of advertising! Cost £10 each with proceeds going towards meeting the cost of the lift.

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Bar–B-Q Friday

Bar–B-Q Friday100thBar–B-Q Friday

Bar–B-Q Friday 15th September 4pm. What an amazing time we all had, even though we had to be in the dining room due to the weather being wet and cold. Over 40 folk had some close fellowship and enjoyed eating hotdogs; chicken drumsticks and kebabs with all the condiments followed by various gateaux’s. Our thanks to our chef John and bungalow resident Peter Clay who both did the bar b q for us.

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100th birthday

100th birthday100th birthday

Miss Kay Bidewell, one of our residents, celebrated her 100th birthday on 8th September 2017 with a card from the Queen and as you can see from the photos, an amazing 100th birthday cake and lots of flowers! Kay received over 100 cards and her picture was in the Eastern Daily Press, the Dereham News and the Norwich Evening News. What an inspiration Kay is to us all.

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Three's Company

Three's CompanyThree's Company

Saturday 2nd September. Once again we were entertained by Penny, her husband and friend known as Three’s Company. Many popular music hall songs were sung and soloist pieces by Penny and the cellist. A lovely relaxing Saturday afternoon

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Themed Evening Meal - Scotland

Themed Evening Meal - ScotlandThemed Evening Meal - Scotland

What an amazing time we had at our Themed Evening Meal this year. A trip to Scotland for the evening was enjoyed by 32 very happy guests.

It was a very memorable evening especially as we had a Scott’s piper in full regalia. You will see from some of the photos how good it was. Please see our website for more photos.

Our thanks to our chef John Kelly, his wife Lynne, sister Kath and all the team who helped make it such a special occasion on the evening.

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Lift project

Lift projectLift project

The final chapter has been written in a 16-month construction saga to update an 18th century castle with a 21st century access facility for today’s retirement home residents.

The mayor of Dereham, Hilary Bushell, was joined by her deputy Thomas Monument and Breckland District councillor and Cabinet member Alison Webb, to cut a ribbon marking the opening of a new £180,000 lift at the town’s Quebec Hall complex.

Before taking a ceremonial ride in the lift Miss Bushell, acknowledged that progress of the project had been fraught with “ups and downs” due to the technical difficulties of marrying a modern lift tower to a listed building.

The four-storey Quebec Hall, or Quebec Castle as it was once known, is a landmark country house constructed in 1759 by a wealthy brewing family. It was established as a home for retired Christians in 1960 and now has 21 residents, plus an associated complex of 43 retirement bungalows.

Welcoming civic guests, residents, staff, architect Kevin Garnham and representatives of Iceni Lifts, Colin Wooden, chairman of the management trustees, said there were times when he wondered whether the project would ever be completed. Reading a Psalm of praise he thanked God that the plans had come to fruition – and that the necessary finance had been found.

Gifts from other charities, churches and individual well-wishers had been added to by a variety of fundraising initiatives by staff and residents – including photographic calendars, a book of poetry and sales of paintings produced by the home’s own art group.

The event concluded with a cream tea, during which Mr Wooden was presented with a framed photograph of the hall and gardening vouchers to mark his retirement from the Board of Trustees after 13 years service – a retirement he had delayed to see the lift project through to its conclusion.

The presentation was made by Mr Wooden’s successor as chairman, Mr Martin Boyce.

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Themed Evening Meal - Scotland

Themed Evening Meal - ScotlandThemed Evening Meal - Scotland

What an amazing time we had at our Themed Evening Meal this year. A trip to Scotland for the evening was enjoyed by 32 very happy guests.

It was a very memorable evening especially as we had a Scott’s piper in full regalia. You will see from some of the photos how good it was. Please see our website for more photos.

Our thanks to our chef John Kelly, his wife Lynne, sister Kath and all the team who helped make it such a special occasion on the evening.

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Cream Tea

Cream TeaCream Tea

We enjoyed our fist Cream Tea of the year and what a delight it was. We were blessed with some exceptionally good weather and enough scones to feed an army!

As you can see from the photos everyone enjoyed the afternoon. A very big thank you to our chef John Kelly and staff member Margaret Seekings who made all the home made scones. Thank you also to Rebecca Woods, Karen, Lynne and staff who worked on the afternoon to help make it such a success.

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Indoor Bowls

Indoor BowlsIndoor Bowls

We enjoyed a first at Quebec Hall on Wednesday 17th May with an indoor bowls and fruit tasting afternoon.

Two teams came together to battle it out and the winning team was the Yellow Team which our Deputy Head of Care Lynne Kelly was part of.

Our Head of Care Karen Vertigan was unfortunately on the losing team – Blue Team. Great fun was had by all and all enjoyed the fruit tasting.

We are thankful to Carrah from our local Tesco store for organising this for us.

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Gt. British Pudding

Gt. British PuddingGt. British Pudding

What an amazing evening we had on Friday 28th April, sampling the delights cooked by our very own chef, John Kelly.

The “Gt. British Pudding Night” was a first for Quebec Hall and what a delight it was for those who came along.

There were 10 puddings to sample and all bar one was home made by John. Everyone enjoyed being able to sample the very tasty puddings, you can see some in the photo.

7 folk managed to sample all 10 puddings helped with plenty of tea throughout the night. There was also a chef’s quiz to see who could guess the chef’s top 10 puddings in order but unfortunately no one came close.

Everyone received a chocolate to finish the evening. The Gt. British Pie Night is on 6th October!

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St.Withburga Ringers

St.Withburga RingersSt.Withburga Ringers

We were privileged to have with us again this year the St.Withburga Ringers. There were nine in the group and they played many well-known hymns and tunes and were very well received.

There was also time for some of the audience to have a go too! Refreshments were served afterwards.

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Quiz Night With Fish & Chips

Quiz Night with fish & chipsQuiz Night with fish & chips

We enjoyed our first Quiz Night with fish & chips of the year on Friday March 17th 2017.

It was, as always great fun and the fish & chips were very tasty! The wining team was “The Tuttlers” who have won now for the second time in a row.

Well done “The Tuttlers”! As always the team that comes last receive consolation prizes and would you believe that our manager Mark Woodgett, was again on the team that came last!! That is now the fourth time he has either been on the wining team or the team that came last! He obviously likes the prizes. He says it was not by the design, we believe him!

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Art Exhibition

Art ExhibitionArt Exhibition

A lot of hard work went into preparing for our Art Exhibition and our thanks to trustee Philip Parfitt, staff members Margaret Seekings and John Kelly for helping to put this show on.

You will see from the photo our chef John helping with the chees tasting, he also carved a couple or pears into mice!

We raised over £130.00 on the afternoon and our thanks too to the many exhibits from those in our Art Club.

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Sprowston Bell Plate Ringer

Sprowston Bell Plate RingerSprowston Bell Plate Ringer

We were very privileged to have with us for the very last time the Sprowston Bell Plate Ringers. The group are disbanding due to the organisers of the group moving away to be closer to family. Their repertoire had again increased significantly since last year and included some amazing quartet singing; anecdotes, humorous readings set to character, and of course the Bell Plate Ringing! Everyone who came along enjoyed listening to the group. Refreshments were enjoyed afterwards.

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“Three’s Company”

Three’s Company“Three’s Company”

We were entertained by a new group to play at Quebec Hall, “Three’s Company” who consist of a key board player; a cellist and a singer. They played many Roger’s & Hammerstein numbers as well as many popular songs from well-known musicals. They were very well received and we look forward to them coming back to play to us in September.

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Cowper cub Pack

Cowper cub PackCowper cub Pack

A visit from the William Cowper cub Pack. They entertained all with carols, recorder, ukulele, guitar and piano recitals.

Also dance, jokes and a martial arts demonstration! The young people numbered nearly 30 and they were unafraid to show off their talents. After welcoming refreshments the cubs spent a long time talking with residents and friends alike which was very much enjoyed. We thank them for coming along each year.

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Salvation Army Singers

Salvation Army SingersSalvation Army Singers

Everyone present enjoyed being entertained by the Salvation Army Singers when they visited Quebec Hall on 8th December last.

Meeting in the main lounge, it was good preparation for us all to remember the reason for the joyous season of Christmas. We pass on thanks to all from the Salvation Army who do much to help us present the Good News of the coming into the world of God’s Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Victorian Carols

Victorian CarolsVictorian Carols

A lovely time of listening to Billy J Wells play the obo to some favourite tunes and carols. As you can see from one of the photos; Richard Lee, Eileen Parfitt and Graham Lewis all dressed for the Victorian experience.

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Fireworks 2017

Fireworks 2017Fireworks 2017

Some 70 folk enjoyed a fabulous evening watching our Manager Mark and his wife Clare, put on a display of fireworks in two halves of about 20 minutes each. We started with some lovely homemade soup and enjoyed hotdogs during the interval with children enjoying the sparklers to finish off the evening.

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Quiz night with fish & chips

Quiz night with fish & chipsQuiz night with fish & chips

What an amazing evening we had with our second quiz night of the year on Friday 21st October. The fish & chips were very tasty! Seven teams battled for the accolade of Top Team and “The Tuttlers” won that accolade. Well done to Ted, one of our bungalow residents, and his team as pictured. Amazingly, Karen and Mark, Head of Care and General Manager, were on the team that came last, “The Guzzlers” and this is the 4th time now that Mark has won a prize!! It was truly a fun evening!

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Coffee Morning 2016

Coffee Morning 2016Coffee Morning 2016

Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care held on 1st October 2016. We enjoyed a lovely time of fellowship and eating a great many cakes in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care. We were welcomed by one of our Trustees Martin Boyce who thanked our staff for making the cakes and gave thanks to God. We raised £325.00 for the Macmillan charity.

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Open Day 2016

Open Day 2016Open Day 2016

We celebrated our Open Day on Saturday September 17th and gave thanks to God for all the many blessings He pours out on us here at Quebec Hall. We enjoyed hearing reports from Karen Vertigan, Head of Care and Mark Woodgett, General Manager as well as a report from Martin Boyce, one of our Trustees. We enjoyed fellowship, friendship and God’s Word from speaker Reverend John Rose.

Many folk were able to look around Quebec Hall and look in four various bungalows that were open for viewing. We thank all those who opened their bungalows and all the staff who worked on the day to help our residents. Our thanks go to Lynne and John Kelly and Kath Crammer for providing such a wonderful spread of food. We thank Kate Bush, one of our supervisors who baked the wonderful cake which was on display and tasted very good too.

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Second Cream Tea Wednesday 20th July

Second Cream Tea Wednesday 20th JulySecond Cream Tea Wednesday 20th July

We had our second Cream Tea of the year on Wednesday July 20th at 3pm. We were blessed this time with a very warm day and plenty of sunshine. We had to have the parasols up and many of our residents; bungalow residents, friends and family enjoyed a lovely afternoon with those delicious scones!

Our thanks to the team of staff who made the afternoon such a success

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Cream Tea Wednesday 29th June

Cream Tea Wednesday 29th JuneCream Tea Wednesday 29th June

What a fantastic time we had celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday with a party in the afternoon of the 12th June alongside many thousands of others up and down the country. As you can see from the photos we decorated the lounge and many folk enjoyed the tea and cake.

One of our bungalow residents, Dick Lee provided back ground music for us and towards the end of the afternoon we sang Land of Hope & Glory and God Save the Queen. Our thanks to Margaret and staff who helped decorate the lounge and provide all the lovely cakes.

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Queen’s 90th birthday

Queen’s 90th birthdayQueen’s 90th birthday

What a fantastic time we had celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday with a party in the afternoon of the 12th June alongside many thousands of others up and down the country. As you can see from the photos we decorated the lounge and many folk enjoyed the tea and cake.

One of our bungalow residents, Dick Lee provided back ground music for us and towards the end of the afternoon we sang Land of Hope & Glory and God Save the Queen. Our thanks to Margaret and staff who helped decorate the lounge and provide all the lovely cakes.

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Themed Evening meal

Themed Evening mealThemed Evening meal

This time we went to Finland. A very big THANK YOU to Soili & Peter Clay who put so much into helping the event go so well. Soili is originally from Finland and helped our cook Johanne choose; prepare and cook the food that was served on the evening. 34 guests were treated to a wonderful evening of canapés in the lounge and a sumptuous sit down meal in our dining room.

As you can see from our photos the evening was a great success. Well done Soili and Joe.

Please see our website gallery for more photos.

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Sprowston Bell plate Ringers

Sprowston Bell plate RingersSprowston Bell plate Ringers

We were entertained by the Sprowston Bell plate Ringers on Friday 15th April in the dining room. Their repertoire has increased significantly over the years they have been visiting Quebec Hall and now includes some amazing trio singing; anecdotes, humorous readings set to character and of course the Bell Plate Ringing! Everyone who came along enjoyed their selves, especially Graham and Raymond (two of our bungalow folk) who took part and made it look so easy!! Well done to all. Refreshments were served afterwards.

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Quiz with Fish and Chips


We held our Art Exhibition in our newly furnished dining room and you can see from the photos there was a very high standard of various paintings for sale. Proceeds going to our lift fund. You can see Trustee Philip Parfitt and staff member Margaret Seekings who helped to put on the Art Exhibition and sale. They also run our Art Club each month.

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Art Exhibition 2016

Art Exhibition 2016Art Exhibition 2016

We held our Art Exhibition in our newly furnished dining room and you can see from the photos there was a very high standard of various paintings for sale. Proceeds going to our lift fund. You can see Trustee Philip Parfitt and staff member Margaret Seekings who helped to put on the Art Exhibition and sale. They also run our Art Club each month.

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1st William Cowper Cub Packs on Monday 14th December

1st William Cowper Cub Packs on Monday 14th December1st William Cowper Cub Packs on Monday 14th December

We were privileged to have two Cub Packs entertain us with carols; poems, songs and piano recitals. They were very brave as some had volunteered to read a poem and play the recorder and sing on their own! They spent some time afterwards talking to our residents while enjoying some refreshments.

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Salvation Army Band on Thursday 10th December

Salvation Army Band on Thursday 10th DecemberSalvation Army Band on Thursday 10th December

We very much enjoyed being entertained by the Salvation Army Band again this year. This time in the main lounge! It was a very joyous occasion.

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St. Withburga Ringers on Monday 7th December

St. Withburga Ringers on Monday 7th DecemberSt. Withburga Ringers on Monday 7th December

We were entertained again this year by the St.Withburga Ringers who played a very festive programme for us. They were with us at the beginning of the year in March.

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Victorian Carols on Tuesday 1st December

Victorian Carols on Tuesday 1st DecemberVictorian Carols on Tuesday 1st December

Just look at these amazing photos of some of the folk who dressed up for our Victorian Carols. It was a great afternoon singing carols to the accompaniment of obo player Billy J Wells.

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Quiz Night with Fish & Chips Friday 9th October

Quiz Night with Fish & Chips Friday 9th OctoberQuiz Night with Fish & Chips Friday 9th October

What a fantastic time we had at our last Quiz Night of the year. We had an amazing 45 folk split into 7 teams. This was the first time we had to turn folk away as so many people wanted to join in. The fish & chips were very tasty.

The team called “Sparklers” won some lovely prizes of chocolate. Would you believe the team that came last had some consolation prizes and our General Manager Mark happened to be on this team! That’s the third time he has been on a team and won something, the first two times on the winning teams!

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Summer Bar-B-Q

Summer Bar-B-QSummer Bar-B-Q

We decided to have our Summer Bar-B-Q earlier this year as the last couple of years had not been to go weather wise. It paid off! God provided some excellent weather and many folks enjoyed sausages, chicken drum sticks and kebabs with all the usual condiments and salads. As you can see from one of the photos one of our residents showed us all how to eat a kebab!

We hired a marquee for just over a week to ensure all the events – Family Day Afternoon, Cream Tea and Bar-B-q could be held outside whatever the weather. Our thanks and appreciation go to all who made these events possible in the preparation, the wonderful food and the clearing down. A lot of hard work was put into it and as always it was well worth the effort. All enjoyed the summer programme of events. Please look at our Gallery section of our website for more photos.

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Lynne Kelly

Lynne KellyLynne Kelly

We have pleasure in announcing that one of our staff, Mrs Lynne Kelly, has celebrated working 25 years at Quebec Hall on 2nd August. She started on 2nd August 1990!! Lynne started as a carer and covered some night shifts before working her way up to become a full time supervisor and then Deputy Care Manager.

All of us here at Quebec Hall extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for all she does here at Quebec Hall and always going that extra mile to ensure our residents and staff are well looked after. You can see from the photos that Lynne enjoyed her day celebrating with staff.

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Cream Tea

Cream TeaCream Tea

Our second Cream Tea of the year took place on the 15th July and this time we were blessed with some fine weather to be able to have everyone outside. It was a great time of fellowship and seeing who could eat the most amount of scones. We think Bob Caldwell lead the field this time!.

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Family Day Afternoon

Family Day AfternoonFamily Day Afternoon

Our first ever Family Day Afternoon took place on Saturday 11th July from 2.30pm onwards. As you can see from the photos we had a bouncy castle which was great fun for the children. Some adults played on it later but do not tell anyone! The children also had face painting, a paddling pool and enjoyed jelly, biscuits and ice cream. The adults enjoyed watching the children have fun and also enjoyed a wonderful hog roast.

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Themed Evening Meal on 1st May

Themed Evening Meal on 1st MayThemed Evening Meal on 1st May

Our 5th Themed Evening Meal was held on Friday 1st May starting at 7pm. This year we went to Thailand. You will see from the photos that it did indeed look very much like a Thai restaurant. Please see all the photos on our website gallery. We served 32 guests with some sumptuous authentic Thai cuisine, all cooked by staff member Joanne Fletcher. The evening was a great success and all thanks to the staff team who made the night such a special occasion. Our special thanks to Aline and Jo.

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First Cream Tea of the year

First Cream Tea of the year First Cream Tea of the year

We had our first Cream Tea of the year on Wednesday 10th June at 3pm. It was long awaited by our manager Mark Woodgett who simply can’t wait for them. The afternoon was dedicated to Mervyn Hodkinson who is a resident of Quebec Hall but unable to attend the afternoon in person.

A tray with scones, butter, jam, cream and strawberries were taken up to Mervyn and his wife Beryl. Mervyn and Mark still hold the record of how many scones eaten at our Cream Teas. We sang Happy Birthday to one of our residents Mary Howe’s and had a bookstall from our local Christian bookshop Green Pastures.

Audrey Juby and Marion Strudwick, two of our bungalow residents, also had a stall selling goods for our Lift Fund. Oh! We also enjoyed a fabulous afternoon with guests of around 42 people eating our way through many scones!

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Sprowston Bell Plate Ringers

Sprowston Bell Plate Ringers Sprowston Bell Plate Ringers

We were privileged to have the Sprowston Bell Plate Ringers with us again on Friday the 24th April. They entertained us with their bell plate ringing; singing quartet, bible readings, poems and prayers. All enjoyed a wonderful evening.

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Quiz night with fish & chips

Quiz night with fish & chips Quiz night with fish & chips

Quiz night with fish & chips We enjoyed our first Quiz Night of the year on Friday 27th March when 45 folks battled through eight rounds to see who would be the winners. The team “Progressives” came first. It was good to see quite a few new folks for the first time. Well done Eric, Ruth, Ted and his son and daughter in law in winning the first prize. Karen and Lynne did well on their team in winning consolation prizes for coming last, again! Still, Mark’s team was only one point behind them!

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St.Withburga Ringers

A St.Withburga Ringers St.Withburga Ringers

We were entertained once again by the St.Withburga Ringers on 3rd March with around 22 people attending. There was also time set aside during the afternoon for folk in the audience to take part. It was a very enjoyable afternoon’s entertainment with refreshments which followed. Can you spot who one of the bell ringers were from the audience?

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Art Exhibition and sale

Art Exhibition and sale Art Exhibition and sale

We enjoyed a lovely afternoon on Wednesday 18th February looking at the amazing art collection put together by the Quebec Hall Art Class. We raised £100 for our new lift fund and our thanks to the organisers – Philip, Christine & Anabel Parfitt, Bob Caldwell and Margaret Seekings. Please see more photos on the gallery section of our website.

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Christmas Day!

Christmas Day with happy residents Christmas Day 2014

As you can see from the lovely photo, many of our residents and bungalow residents enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Day roast Turkey with all the trimmings. We thank the cook on the day, Lisa Horne and all the staff for their hard work in making it such a lovely day.

We even had the real Father Christmas in before he finished for the day to give out presents to all our residents in the Hall! Two of our residents organised Carol singing in the afternoon and with a wonderful Christmas tea with that amazing Christmas cake, rounded off a very special day where we all rejoiced and remembered the real reason for this Season – The Lord Jesus Christ.

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Christmas Cake

Christmas Cake Victorian Carols

One of our cooks, Kate Bush, designed and made our Christmas cake which was very well received by all. Very tasty it was too!

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Victorian Carols

Victorian Carols Victorian Carols

We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon with a Victorian theme on Tuesday 16th December. We were entertained by Billy J Wells playing a clarinet with backing music. Most of the time was spent singing carols along with some arrangements Billy had put together especially for the afternoon. We said next year perhaps everyone can dress up in Victorian attire!

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William Cowper Cub Pack

William Cowper Cub Pack

We were entertained again this festive season by the Cub Pack who put on a puppet show of the Nativity. Many of our residents and bungalow residents enjoyed the evening, especially when the cubs sang the carols.

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Salvation Army Cameo Singers Salvation Army visit

The dining room was packed to bursting on the afternoon of the visit from the Salvation Army Cameo Singers. Many bungalow residents came to join our home residents for a very merry gathering, several familiar carols were enjoyed by all, followed by tea and mince pies

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Quiz night of the year

Quiz night of the year Quiz night of the year

We held our second Quiz night of the year with fish & chips on 10th October with 5 teams battling it out for the accolade of “Winning Team” To our amazement our manager Mark Woodgett was again on the winning team!

They called themselves “Grass Roots” It was in fact a closely fought evening with much merriment and the fish & chips were good too! Our Head of Care Karen Vertigan was on the team that got consolation prizes for coming last. Both Karen & Mark one prizes!

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Marion Coleman 100th Birthday

Marion Coleman 100th Birthday Marion Coleman 100th Birthday

Quebec Hall helped one of their residents, Marion Coleman, to celebrate her 100th Birthday with family on Monday 8th September 2014.

Marion is pictured with her birthday cake, a card from the Queen and family. From Left to right; Molly (great granddaughter), Jo (granddaughter) Lottie (great granddaughter – twin), Jenny (daughter), Karen (Head of Care at Quebec Hall), Clare (granddaughter), Annie (great granddaughter – twin). Marion enjoyed a wonderful afternoon celebrating her 100th birthday by having afternoon tea with her family and received many cards and flowers.

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Summer Bar-B-Q

Summer Bar-B-Q Summer Bar-B-Q

We had our Summer Bar-B-Q on Saturday 30th August. Many or our Quebec Hall and Bungalow residents came along with family and friends.

The weather was unfortunately a bit overcast so we served folk in our patio garden and also in our dining room. Our thanks to staff member Jo Fletcher and bungalow resident Peter Clay for cooking the food for us

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Hog Roast 19.07.14

Hog Roast 19.07.14 Hog Roast

We enjoyed our very first Hog Roast at Quebec Hall on Saturday 19th July, one week after our very successful Open Day. It was allot to do, three events in just one week, but the hog roast fished the week perfectly. Another beautiful evening where around 52 folk enjoyed a perfectly cooked hog with apple sauce, rice dish and salads. There were also two different trifles and strawberries and cream for pudding. What more could anyone want!

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Cream Tea 16.07.14

Cream Tea 16.07.14 Cream Tea 16.07.14

What a fantastic day to have a Cream Tea! The Lord blessed us with a bright sunny day. Around 45 folk enjoyed some wonderful scones with jam, cream and strawberries. Looks like the manager Mark still holds the record of how many can be eaten in one afternoon!

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What an amazing afternoon!

What an amazing afternoon! What an amazing afternoon!

What an amazing afternoon we had celebrating our Open Day on 12th July 2014. Around 170 folk came to celebrate at a Thanksgiving Service held by Quebec Hall. We were blessed with a sunny afternoon which enabled us to have tea in the picturesque garden and in the marquee. Our Chairman of Trustees Colin Wooden led the Thanksgiving Service. Reports were given by General Manager Mark Woodgett and Head of Care Karen Vertigan.

Our speaker for the day was David Honeyball. You will see a cake made especially for the day by staff member Kate. The food was exceptional and provided by staff member Lynne, her husband John, and staff member Kathy. Many staff helped on the day to ensure all went well.

All details of the day will be on our next Newsletter. These photos are a sneak preview. Please see more on our Gallery section of our web site.

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First Cream Tea of the year – Wednesday 11th June 2014

First Cream Tea of the year First Cream Tea of the year

We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon celebrating our first cream tea of the season with glorious weather. We had to put a couple of parasols up for those who wanted to sit in the shade.

Around 40 folk tucked into some amazing scones with jam, cream and strawberries and all helped down with endless cups of tea. Thanks to all the staff who helped to make it a great success – Karen; Margaret, Aline, Annabel, Jo and Sammy.”

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CQC unannounced visit

Salvation Army Singers CQC unannounced visit

Quebec Hall had an unannounced visit from the Care Quality Commission(CQC) on 7th April 2014. This visit lasted a whole day and you can see the findings from the Inspection Report.

We are pleased that CQC found we are looking after our residents very well and met all the necessary standards. We have addressed the Requirements relating to workers by making sure no new staff start at Quebec Hall without having two satisfactory references first.

Please download here the inspection full report

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South Africa trip

South Africa trip South Africa trip

We enjoyed a fabulous evening on Friday May 2nd when we took a trip to South Africa! It was our 4th annual Themed Evening Meal and this time the turn of South Africa.

As you can see by the photos, our team of staff and helpers did an amazing job of decorating the Hall so it looked like we were in fact there in South Africa.

A very big thank you to all who came and enjoyed the evening and an even bigger thank you to our team who made the evening possible: Jo, John, Lynne, Alini and her family, Laurie, Karen and Mark. Please look at more of the photos taken on the evening on the gallery section of our website.

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Sprowston Bell Plate Ringers

Sprowston Bell Plate Ringers Sprowston Bell Plate Ringers

We were entertained by the Sprowston Bell Plate Ringers on 25th April 2014. They played a wonderful programme with the bell plates and sang some lovely songs as part of a quartet too! You will see that some or our residents took part too!

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Quiz Night with fish & chips

Hall of Art Quiz Night

We enjoyed our first Quiz Night with fish & chips on Friday 4th April. Everyone enjoyed a great evening, much laughter and the fish & chips were good too! Six teams battled it out and the winning team was “The Diners Club” Amazingly Karen, Lynne and Mark were all on the winning team! It is the first time for eight years that this has happened. Well done to all those who took part and we look forward to the next one in October.

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CQC approval

Hall of Art Residents new room

Our two new rooms were given CQC approval on the 18th March 2014. We converted bungalow 44 which was a two bedroom bungalow and divided it up into two new rooms with ensuites. One of the rooms is big enough to have as a double room. We have also made one of the small rooms into a resident’s toilet which now gives us two residents’ toilets on the ground floor. We have refurbished all the rooms with new paint and decor plus new carpets and all new furniture with new hospital style beds.

We have linked the corridor of the two new rooms via a new purpose built passageway to the ground floor lounge of the Hall. We would like to thank all the tradesman who helped on this project which took a little over three months to complete. Our new residents came into their new rooms on 22nd March 2014

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Open Day

Open Day Open Day flyer

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Hall of Art

Hall of Art Residents and visitors viewing the work

Quebec Hall, a Christian retirement home here in Dereham, held its first exhibition of art by residents on Wednesday. Residents of the Hall and surrounding bungalows, encouraged by staff and trustees, meet regularly once a month and engage in water colour, and acrylic painting, drawing and encaustic art. Some have been able to pursue their chosen art form throughout their lives and are very happy to be able to continue with this at the home.

Others have never had the opportunity or inclination to do so but have been surprised at their achievements with just a little help. It is a very happy group of a dozen or so people who are relaxing, sharing and learning with each other. Materials and refreshments are provided by the home and the results of the past years work were on display for other residents and friends to enjoy.

See more images from the residents artwork >

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December 9th – Salvation Army Band

December 9th – Salvation Army Band Salvation Army Band

We were privileged to have the Cameo Singers from the Salvation Army entertain us with the story of Jesus told through bible verses and carols and traditional Army hymns accompanied by tambourines. 14 of our 19 Hall residents were able to join in as were many of our bungalow residents and guests.

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December 16th – Cub Pack visit

December 16th – Cub Pack visit Cub Pack

Our residents were entertained by the 1st Dereham Cub Pack on 16th December. They sung Carols and told of how they got to accomplish their favourite badges. They enjoyed talking to our residents afterwards and our residents very much enjoyed talking to them.

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New Trustees – David Harley & Philip Parfitt

We are very pleased to announce that we have two new Trustees; David Harley and Philip Parfitt. This will bring the team up to 6. Praise God for His provision. We pray that all of our Trustees will know Gods leading and guiding in all they do for Quebec Hall.

New Trustees – David Harley & Philip Parfitt David Harley New Trustees – David Harley & Philip Parfitt Philip Parfitt

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November 8th – Fireworks with soup & hot dogs

November 8th – Fireworks with soup & hot dogs Bottle tops for charity

Our Ladies knitting group were busy knitting all these bottle tops for charity. Well done to all who knitted these bottle tops.

What a fantastic time we had! A fantastic firework display split in two halves with hot soup and hotdogs. It rained all evening but did not stop our manager Mark Woodgett and his wife Clare from giving us a wonderful display. Mark did get very wet! Clare had an umbrella!

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Biggest Ever Coffee Morning

We had a very successful morning in raising lots of money for Macmillan Cancer Care and were able to sample some delicious cakes too! £250.67 was raised. A very big thank you to all who gave so generously.

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Quiz Night with fish & chips

Quiz Night with fish & chips Quiz Night with fish & chips Quiz Night with fish & chips Quiz Night with fish & chips

The team “The Methodites” won and as you can see from the photos a good time was had by all. Much fun and laughter from all who played and enjoyed a great time of fellowship. There were 7 teams and 45 playing. Our manager and Deputy Head of care were on the team that came third! They have in the past come further down the field and even been last.

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Planning Permission

Quebec Hall is seeking planning permission to convert one of our two bedroom bungalows into two rooms with ensuites and attach to the hall via the down stairs lounge. This will give us a further two rooms on the ground floor.

We are also seeking planning permission for a new lift. This would be built on the back of the hall adjacent to the current one which is very old and in need of replacement. We look to God to provide all that we need.

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Kairos Care S.A.

Kairos Care S.A. Kairos Care Kairos Care S.A. Kairos Care Kairos Care S.A. Kairos Care

Two of our staff members, Aline Santos and Johanne Fletcher, have joined the Kairos Care South Africa charity, which helps to look after those in need. They are busy fund raising for the charity and started by having a Tea Party on Saturday 20th July. The founder of the charity will be speaking at Quebec Hall on Monday 9th September.

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Bar-b-q. Saturday 24th August

Bar-b-q BBQ Bar-b-q BBQ Bar-b-q BBQ

For the second year running we had to come inside for the Bar-b-q held on Saturday 24th August. It did not stop us having a great time with over 50 residents and guests in the dining room, 7 in the gazebo and a further 4 in the summer house! We had two top chefs bar-b-q the food for 66 residents and guests. Peter Clay, (bungalow resident), Johanne Fletcher, (Quebec Hall cook). Karen Vertigan, Lynne Kelly, Aline Santos and Mark Woodgett helped to serve everyone at their tables.

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Cream Tea. Wed. June 17th

Cream Tea Cream Tea Cream Tea Cream Tea

Our second Cream Tea of the year was held on a glorious sunny summer’s afternoon. Parasols were up and around 50 residents and guests enjoyed wonderful freshly homemade scones with fresh cream and strawberries. Just look at table laid out with all those lovely scones ready to eat!

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Cream Tea. Wed. June 12th

Cream Tea Cream Tea Cream Tea Cream Tea

Our first Cream Tea of the year was held on a rather windy day and we were not able to put the parasols up! Allot of freshly homemade scones with fresh cream and strawberries were eaten. The record we think is still held by Mervyn Hodkinson, one of our bungalow residents! Or is it our manager Mark woodgett?

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“Out & About” singing group. Mon. June 3rd

“Out & About” singing group Out & About

We enjoyed a sing along with the “out and About” singing group on Monday June 3rd. Over 20 folk entertained residents in the dining room for over an hour. Many of the well known songs were sung by everyone as song sheets were provided.

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Coffee morning for Hearing dogs. Saturday. 20th April

Coffee morning Coffee morning

Quebec Hall now host’s a second Coffee Morning each year, this time for Hearing dogs. As you can see from the photo, there were many tasty cakes to eat. Mr Holmes continues to carry on from his late wife and has helped to raise well over £2000.

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CQC unannounced visit

Salvation Army Singers CQC unannounced visit

We received an unannounced CQC (Care Quality Commission) visit on 16th May and we have been told that all the Care Standards that were reviewed were meeting all of these standards.

Please download here the inspection full report

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Greek Evening Meal

Greek Evening Meal Greek Evening Greek Evening Meal Culinary delights Greek Evening Meal Culinary delights

We held our third “Themed Evening Meal” on Friday 3rd May. 30 guests had a fabulous evening being wined and dined in Greek style. As you can see from the photo’s, there was culinary delights fit for a king”.

We have already been talking about where to go next year!

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Quiz Night

Quiz Night Residents in Quiz Night Quiz Night Residents in Quiz Night

As already mentioned we had to reschedule our Quiz Night with fish & chips to Friday 5th April.

A good time was had by all. The winning team was “The Rebels” Well done to them and well done to all those who took part.

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Salvation Army Singers

Salvation Army Singers Salvation Army Singers choir

Dec. 3rd A packed dining room listened to the Salvation Army Singers Christmas programme. This included much delight when they played a couple of songs with tambourines. Refreshments and mince pies were very welcome afterwards.

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William Cowper Cub Pack

William Cowper Cub Pack William Cowper Cub Pack choir

We were entertained by the William Cowper Cub Pack on Dec. 10th. There was much laughter especially when they sang some of their camp fire songs. The Cub Pack also sang some carols and told the story of the birth of Jesus through a puppet show.

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Christmas Displays

Christmas Displays Christmas tree
Christmas Displays Christmas tree

Pictures of our Christmas displays in the stairwell and in the lounge. We thank Margaret Seekings for all her hard work in dressing the trees and making the doves which were hand painted.

Harry Squirrell Birthday Christmas cake

Our Christmas cake was made by our top chefs, Kathy Crammer and Johanne Fletcher. A lot of time and effort was put into this and Johanne decorated the cake.

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Art Class

Art Class Art Class session

Quebec Hall has its very own Art Class which was started by the Rev’d. Phillip Parfitt. They meet once a month now. We look to hold a Gallery Viewing some time later this year.

Quebec Hall Art Club Quebec Hall Art Club

The Quebec Hall Art Club has increased in number and as you can see from this photo. We look to have a Gallery showing later in the year.

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Harry Squirrell Birthday

Harry Squirrell Birthday Harry’s Birthday cake

This was the cake that one of our residents – Harry Squirrell, was given on his birthday. Harry is an artist and one of our cook’s, Kate Bush, thought of the themed cake, which she made and decorated.

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New Trustee Mr Andrew Bash

We welcome to the board of trustees, Mr Andrew Bash. Andy is married to Karen, has three adult children and lives at Mattishall. He has been actively involved in Christian service for 35 years, an elder at Mattishall Evangelical Church, and a freelance journalist by occupation. His experience will add greatly to the work at Quebec Hall and valued by other trustees.

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Our website has been updated with a Donation button for all that may wish to donate to the work of Quebec Hall. Just click on the “Donate now” button and you will be taken to a link under Give.Net which is powered by Stewardship.

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>FIREWORKS 2012Fireworks

Our biggest attendance, around 80 people, enjoyed a fantastic display of fireworks with soup and hotdogs on Friday 2nd Nov. Praise the Lord for providing good weather!

>FIREWORKS 2012Fireworks

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QUIZ & CHIPS Quiz & Chips

Our popular quiz night with fish & chips was held on the night of 12th October. As you can see from our photo, many teams battled it out, but there can only be one team winner. The team “ This happy breed” came 1st. Well done!

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COFFEE & CAKE Coffee & Cake

September 22nd saw us host “The Biggest Ever Coffee Morning” in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care. As always some amazingly tasty cakes were enjoyed.

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LADIES KNITTING GROUPLadies knitting group

Tuesday 5th Sept saw the Ladies Knitting Group celebrate their 5th birthday of craft fellowship. Wendy Nash, pictured with cake, writes: “We have knitted outfits for still born babies; trauma teddies for children involved in accidents & fires & teddies for children hospitalised in Botswana. Sacks of clothes & blankets have been made going to children around the world with Smile International. Each Autumn around 25 shoe boxes are sent abroad with Smile to children who otherwise would have no Christmas present.

LADIES KNITTING GROUPLadies knitting group

Money is raised selling cards, unwanted gifts & through our own weight watchers club! As a result we have been able to pay for many children to have hair lip operations through Smile Train. In the new year we plan to sponsor 2 children through their education in the Gambia.”

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OUT & ABOUTLadies knitting group

On 3rd September a group of singers, some of whom have Alzheimer’s and Dementia, entertained us with some favourite war time songs. The occasion was enjoyed by all and we look forward to them returning some time soon.

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Our Barbecue on August 25th was thoroughly enjoyed by all despite the cooking having to be done in a garage! Thanks to the feverish cooking of our two chefs, John Kelly and Terry Vertigan, a packed Dining Room and Lounge enjoyed a marvellous selection of food. Our special thanks to John for all the preparation that went into making the day such a great success.

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Care Quality Commission

Care Quality Commission visit Care Quality Commission

We received an unannounced CQC visit on 19th July and for the second time now have been told that all the Care Standards that were reviewed, we were meeting all of these standards.

Some of the comments that were given to the Inspectors from our residents were: “I’m treated with both dignity and respect” “The staff are absolutely brilliant, they always make me feel welcome and they are very attentive to my friend” “Meal times are enjoyable” “I feel very safe here, the staff are very kind to me” “I have no concerns here but if I had I would speak to staff and I am confident they will help me”

You will be able to read a full report as published at: Care Quality Commission

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New Chair of Trustees

Mr. Colin Wooden has become the new Chairman of the Board of Trustees Mr. Colin Wooden

We are pleased to report that Mr Colin Wooden has become the new Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Colin has been involved and has had an active interest in the work at Quebec Hall for many years. He has many attributes and experience to bring to his new role. We wish him well in the task he has undertaken.

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New Supervisor

New supervisor Aline Santos Aline Santos

Aline Santos has been promoted to position of Supervisor.

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Ann Stancombe

Ann Stancombe Ann Stancombe

We are saddened to hear of the death of Ann Stancombe.

Ann retired in May, after having worked at Quebec Hall for 15 years, 12 as supervisor. Her smiles and cheerfulness while carrying out her duties was an inspiration to all. Our deepest condolences go out to John and their family.

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EHO unannounced visit

We had an unannounced visit from the Environmental Health Office on 14th August. We were very pleased to retain our 5 star rating. Top marks! Our thanks to all our hard working cooks and Still Room staff in helping to maintain our 5 star rating.

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Open Day 2012 – Service of Thanksgiving

Jubilee 2012 Open Day - Service of Thanksgiving

Praise the Lord for his blessing upon our Open day on July 14th! The Lord blessed us with fine weather as 150 guests attended. We started with some hymn singing just before 3pm and then were welcomed by our new Chairman Colin Wooden. Prayers were said by Trevor Handel(Trustee) and a Trustees report was given by Martin Boyce.

Jubilee 2012 Open Day - Service of Thanksgiving Jubilee 2012 Open Day - Service of Thanksgiving

The General Manager Mark Woodgett gave his report and the speaker for the afternoon was Martin Baker.

Jubilee 2012 Open Day - Service of Thanksgiving

Mark Woodgett and Karen Vertigan presented recently retired Chairman of the Trustees and his wife Liz with a retirement gift and a bouquet of flowers.

Jubilee 2012 Open Day - Service of Thanksgiving

Phil has been a Trustee for 16 years and Chairman of the Trustees since 2006. All of us here at Quebec Hall will miss him.

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Quebec Hall Celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

Jubilee 2012 Jubilee night

Quebec Hall Celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on 5th July with a Cream Tea Street Party.

Jubilee 2012 Jubilee night

Due to the weather we decided to have the Cream Tea in the dining room. 61 guests had some very close fellowship in the dining room and a further 10 were in the downstairs lounge. As you can see we all enjoyed the scones and the atmosphere.

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This time we decided to go to Brazil!

Brazil night Brazil night

Quebec Hall hosted the second of our Themed Evenings on Friday 4th May. This time we decided to go to Brazil! As you can see from the photos a lot of time and effort was put into the preparation for the evening. One of our staff, Aline Santos, comes from Brazil, along with her sister and mother, we were able to ensure that the meal was very authentic.

Brazil night Brazil night Brazil night Brazil night

Twenty six guests enjoyed snacks in our lounge with a non alcoholic cocktail local to Brazil, and then into our dining room for their main meal and desserts. You can see from the menu all the different foods that were on offer. We are very thankful to our cook, Johanne Fletcher and the waitresses pictures for making the evening a great success.

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Dutch Gospel Choir with us on Tuesday 1st May

Dutch Gospel Choir J-Unit Dutch Gospel Choir J-Unit

Quebec Hall was very privileged to have a Dutch Gospel Choir with us on Tuesday 1st May in the afternoon. They were on tour in the UK for one week only and spent an hour with us singing as a choir, a couple of solo pieces and some personal testimony before starting their official tour on that evening.

They were at five venues around the country. If you would like to catch up with them then please visit their web site: J- Unit Choir are members of the Salvation Army.

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Quiz night!

Quiz night Quiz night

Our first Event of the year was held on the 24th February, the much awaited Quiz night with fish and chips. We had 44 players split into 8 teams. They battled it out for 8 rounds and the winning team was the “Has Beans”

It was very close as there was only 17 points in-between the winning team and the runners up. A great time was had by all!

Please look at our Events List for our next Event.

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A Caring Career

A Caring Career Olive Willis celebrated her 100th birthday on 9th January 2012

A Caring Career - that’s the title of an article that appeared in ‘Best of British – past and present’ magazine in 2007.
It concerns one of the residents, Mrs Olive Willis, at Quebec Hall, a Christian Residential Care Home in Dereham.

Olive is in every sense a local – being born in Wendling, close to Dereham. However she didn’t stay here for long! She excelled in her training as a nurse in Peterborough and followed this up with midwifery training in Queen Charlotte’s In London. From that time on it seems that she was hardly ever back in the United Kingdom.

Her first appointment was to take responsibility for a mission station hospital in the Belgian Congo. In spite of several bouts of malaria, she was there for four years. She was then called up into the navy. She served on a hospital ship that collected hundreds of prisoners of war and took them home to Australia and New Zealand. Many were in a poor state of health but were glad to get back home.

On her return home herself, the ship was rerouted to take on board internees from Japanese camps and transfer them to Hong Kong. Her ward of 30 beds was filled with 112 patients!

But her travels did not finish with the end of the war. She joined the medical staff on the large cruise liners of the day including the Queen Mary and the Queen Elizabeth, visiting New York and Canada. Her last trip involved taking emigrants to start a new life in Australia. On her return, she married and settled in Kent before eventually coming back to her roots in Dereham. Olive loves to relive those exciting days.

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Celebrating Christmas!

Celebrating Christmas Celebrating Christmas

Our programme started with a visit from the local Cub pack on Monday 12th December at 7pm. The Children sang Carols and read poems and then spent some time mingling with our residents.

Fireworks at QH Celebrating Christmas

In Thursday 15th December Quebec Hall had its traditional Carol Service starting at 7pm. Trustees and residents helped to tell the Nativity Story with Bible readings and Carols. It is always a Joy to everyone to acknowledge the real meaning of why we celebrate Christmas, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who, leaving the privileges of Heaven, was born as a man, humbly obedient to God, Jesus the Messiah, The Saviour of mankind, born to take our sin upon Himself, and for all who believe, have eternal life. Read bible verse John 3:16

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Fireworks at QH

Fireworks at QH Fireworks at QH

Our fireworks evening on Friday 4th November was a great success.

Fireworks at QH Fireworks at QH

Over 60 people young and old celebrated a wonderful display of fireworks with soup and hot dogs.

Fireworks at QH Fireworks at QH

God provided a dry, still evening which was perfect for all those who came to watch.

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New Website launched

New website launched New website launched

We have just relaunched our website and really hope you enjoy browsing through it. Let us know what you think by contacting us from the contacts page.

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Quiz Night

Quebec Hall Quiz Night Quebec Hall quiz winners

We can now announce that the winning team on our Quiz night with fish & chip supper, held Friday 14th October, was “The VIPS” You can see some very happy faces of the winning team!

Our next event will be our Fireworks Evening held on Friday 4th November at 6.30pm.

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Care Quality Commission visit

Care Quality Commission visit Care Quality Commission logo

We have just received the latest report of the Care Quality Commission who visited us on 7th July of 2011. The Report advises us of their latest Inspection Report.

We have been told that the last Inspection indicated "No Requirements" and "No Recommendations" This is a first for Quebec hall.

Download here the CQC latest Inspection Report.

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